The material used by ALHS on this website is governed by clause 7.9 of the  ALHS Data Protection Policy.

   Clause 7.9 is reproduced below for information 

7.9  Material donated to ALHS for use by and inclusion in the archives of ALHS without any documented restriction on the use of that material including personal photographic images/written word and/or information about the donor  during the period  1/3/1992 to 1/11/2018

Over the 26 years that ALHS has been active  prior to the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulations, Members of the Public and ALHS Members have donated such information freely without any imposed restriction upon its use.  With the implimentation of General Data Protection Regulations in 2018  Aldridge Local History Society takes the stance that the unrestricted gifting of such material implies the freedom of use of such material by ALHS in any publication printed or otherwise, web site or social media platform.

However, ALHS accepts that the introduction of GDPR has influenced the attitude of many individuals towards the use of their personal information including photographs. Therefore if any Donor  of such information given during the period referred to wishes to vary or revoke the terms of the use by ALHS of that material donated, then the Donor ( or their Executors or Next of Kin)  may e-mail  ALHS at External link opens in new tab or with full details of any variation or revocation which they may now require.  Any variation or revocation as to use agreed with ALHS would have to include the proviso that such variation can only be effective going forward from the date agreed and cannot be retrospective.  Clearly if donated material covered by this clause has already been  used in printed material published by ALHS prior to 1.11.2018 and is in general circulation then redaction of those publications is impossible .

Members of ALHS  receive the full copy of the ALHS Data Protection Policy which covers the use of their full personal details eg address etc.